
A decreasing agricultural labour force and lack of well educated or skilled human resources are a great barrier for both the private and public sector to develop the horticultural sector in Indonesia, now and in the future. Many rural young migrate to urban areas searching for employment opportunities and prosperity. While in 1991 more than 50% of Indonesia’s population was employed in agriculture, currently it is 30%.

The image of farming is rapidly deteriorating and considered physically heavy, little attractive and lacking behind in applying the latest technologies. Aimed at making green education more attractive for the young, it should focus on improving the image of farming and promoting farming as a viable means to make a living under the rural young. Through emphasizing on the agribusiness side and technological innovations, the image of farming is presented as an attractive proposition to the young. In addition, it also addresses gender in the agricultural value chain, and it connects organizations with similar goals to combat aging in agriculture

Farm Business Planning Transforms the...

  • By:YBTS

Djidhon Yosua Babys, often called Sua, is a young farmer supported by YBTS in Desa