Suka Tani Youth Group: The Struggle Still Long
The Suka Tani Youth Group (KEPESTA) initially met at the convention venue. Pastor Ari Wadu introduced them to the Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS).
"Not all young people are interested. After that, I was invited to another group to learn to see how to grow vegetables,” said Onisimus Banu, Chairman of the Kepesta Group (Youth Like Farmers Group) who graduated from S1 Administration when he was met at the group's garden.
A total of 24 youths aged 18-32 years from Cendana Village learned to farm in Frans Nitsae's garden. This garden is 1600 meters wide and was only cultivated in early 2019. Oni said that the first five months of making the garden were the hardest work. All done manually.
"See for yourself the entrance to the garden as well as the footpath, it is impassable." But we work hand in hand to create our garden,” said Oni, Onisimus's nickname.
Soil and water conditions are the main challenges here. The garden land is uneven, the land contour is steep. This condition did not erode the spirit of these youths. Created a garden with a terracing system.
"On the land which is now closer to the water source," said Oni while showing the water reservoir in the land.
"At first this gardening was while waiting for another job. To fill our time, we do gardening because it is a positive activity. If we are successful here, in the future we will become farmers, "explained Oni.
"If you look at the current results, it's not much, but we have gained a lot of knowledge from YBTS while accompanying us."
Currently, the group is planting tomatoes, kale, eggplant, cucumber and papaya. In the future, they plan to plant various types of vegetables.
There is still a long way to go to become this productive group and make it the future. What these youths do is struggle to create dreams. (*)