The Story of Agustinus B Malo, An Agricultural Extension Officer with Over Twenty Years of Experience

The Story of Agustinus B Malo, An Agricultural Extension Officer with Over Twenty Years of Experience

Other than the farmers, there was a figure of agricultural extension officers (Penyuluh Pertanian Lapangan / PPL) who were celebrating the success of a harvest. For the trainers, witnessing the success of their assisted farmers could lift all the tiredness they felt. Bapak Agustinus B Malo, the head of the farmers’ training committee (Badan Penyuluhan Pertanian / BPP) in Tambolaka City, also felt the same. Bapak Agus, who was how the locals addressed him, held twenty years of experience as a PPL. He spent a good percentage of his career working with the farmers on the farmlands. Thus, there was a sense of pride and satisfaction upon seeing the excellent results obtained by his assisted farmers. 

“If the farmers were successful, then the trainers would be smiling,” said Bapak Agus, “I feel like I am included in their success story. All the farmers I trained have worked hard, and I am really grateful about it.” 

Bapak Agus’ journey as a field trainer was not without neverending challenges. In the early 2000s, he encountered many farmers who still engaged in traditional farming methods and only cultivated one commodity. At that time, the farmers were unaware of the potential of farming industries as a source of living, as they only farmed to make ends meet. They did not plan to expand their farmlands or optimize its potential. The supporting facilities and accessible information about good agricultural practices were also limited. This kind of situation became massive homework for the PPLsthen. They had a huge responsibility to enhance the farmers’ competence and shift their mindset about farming activities. 

As time passed, Bapak Agus’ responsibility as a PPL was relieved by the number of new programs and technologies available. The farmers collaborated as a farming group, opening the door for more accessible fertilizers, superior seeds, information, and many more. The existence of partners, such as Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS) and William and Lily Foundation (WLF) through the Agricultural Livelihood through Integrated Approach (PERMATA) project, also improved local farmers’ skills. The collaboration between YBTS and WLF aimed to train the farmers to cultivate their chosen commodities effectively and sustainably. The program was committed to supporting the farmers, so they could continuously improve their farmlands as a source of livelihood and not only to make ends meet. 

“I would like to thank YBTS and WLF for their program. We, the field officers, can’t possibly change the world by ourselves. We hope that this collaboration can continue to ensure the development of farming industries in Tambolaka,” said Bapak Agus.