Introducing SIPINDO to a Millennial Farming Group in North Halmahera
Food security relied on the quantity and quality of goods obtained from harvest. Thus, the farmers needed the skills and capability to cultivate various commodities of crops. To support the farmers, Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera (YBTS) and SIPINDO trained the farmers in North Halmahera about good agricultural practices. One of the participants of this program was a millennial farming group called Kelompok Tani Milenial Revolusi Hijau.
Represented by one of the technical field officers, Nikita Raissa Kumalasari, YBTS introduced SIPINDO to the farming group. It was an application with many features that could help guide the farmers in the entire farming process. Other than the introduction to SIPINDO, the participating farmers also received training on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and high-quality seeds selection.
With most members coming from the millennial generation, Kelompok Tani Milenial Revolusi Hijau was enthusiastic about how technology could help them in farming more efficiently. They were committed to developing the farming industries in North Halmahera. Even before the training, they were already actively gathering information and trying several farming methods to enhance their results. The existence of SIPINDO and training will further elevate their knowledge and skills to be excellent farmers.
Other than YBTS, the local farmers collaborated with students from Universitas Halmahera and Politeknik Halmahera. The synergy of farmers and students was expected to bridge the knowledge between formal education and field execution. This collaboration had a huge potential to create a groundbreaking innovation that would further improve the farming industries in Halmahera.