Pesan dari Dewan
The last year has not been easy for most people globally. Although the Covid 19 crisis slowly started to fade away, the world was struck by the Ukraine crisis which next to terrible tragedy in Ukraine itself, also caused global wheat shortages and fertilizer and fuel price increases. All in turn causing increased poverty and famine for the global poor.
YBTS therefore has a crucial role in empowering Indonesia’s millions of smallholder farmers to grow more affordable, nutritious vegetables, thus bringing food security and higher income to their families and communities.
Having visited YBTS’ work in Java and Papua over the past few years, I’ve met many YBTS team members and sensed their genuine passion to support farmers with better knowledge through training. And also I’ve witnessed the sustainable impact of their work in the rural communities in Indonesia and the gratitude of the farmers - and was truly impressed.
Last year I was proud to join the board of YBTS. This brings new opportunities to cross share knowledge and experience within East West Seed Knowledge Transfer´s global farmer training operations and YBTS´s work in Indonesia. The first signs of which we’re already witnessing. YBTS’ broad training experience can most certainly benefit farmer training programs in other countries.
Next to its Board of Trustees, YBTS also has a Supervisory Board whose members give expert guidance to the YBTS management team, excellently led by Dr. Edwin Saragih.
My father, Dr. Simon Groot, founded East West Seed 40 years ago with the objective to improve the life of smallholder farmers. In Indonesia, together with Piet Mazereeuw and Rustam Effendi, they founded the company PT East West Seed Indonesia in 1990; this company turned out to be the first integrated vegetable seed company in Indonesia that has a commitment as a Farmer’s Best Friend.
In 2019, he was awarded the World Food Prize, the Nobel in Food and Agriculture. During the ceremony in the US he finished off his speech by saying, “the prize is a confirmation that the small guys do matter, and so do vegetables.”
Whereas the year 2022 has been a year with great impact for YBTS with increasing impact and outreach across Indonesia, the board is confident that we are going to make even bigger steps in the coming year.
Our mission to support the smallholder farmers of the world in feeding their communities remains very actual! The small farmers in Indonesia and their families need us, need us to improve their livelihoods. Hopefully we’ll be able to make important steps to support them in 2023!
Rutger Groot
Board of Trustees
Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera
We have millions of reasons to be happier and grateful persons in 2023 after making it through 2 years of the pandemic.
During the pandemic, we are challenged by a tough situation - socially, economically, and mentally. We have passed those difficulties which have brought us to enter a new era, namely 2023, hopefully in good health only. Other challenges will lie ahead, but we will again make it through with a happy and grateful spirit.
We are very proud of YBTS; they are always passionate about helping farmers wherever our friends are. That spirit can only exist if you are always happy and grateful.
YBTS’ big future is reaching out and serving more farmers. Your steps should continue so that more farmers can get a better livelihood.
This good mission, of course, can only be achieved by us, who are always happy and grateful.
Glenn Pardede
Chairman, Supervisory Board of Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera
We are happy to serve farmers to be prosperous
We, as the Executive boards of the Foundation, are happy and grateful that YBTS can provide the best results in service to farmers in 2022. Employees on the front lines, supported by employees on duty at the head office, serve farmers through various knowledge transfer activities and technical assistance. The goal is, none other than, farmers can apply sustainable good practices in their on-farm farming; and will succeed in getting good production, and of course profitable farming income.
This is what YBTS focuses on and is committed to: supporting farmers to succeed in growing vegetables as a source of household income. In fact, we encourage and accompany young people to enter agricultural farming as a source of income in their livelihood. There are many success stories, for example Lusia Lusi in the village of Tilang, Nita, Sikka Regency, NTT Province managed to earn more than IDR 20,000,000 from cultivating tomatoes in one growing season.
A little flashback, in 2013 YBTS had only 4 employees. And in 2022, the number of employees has reach 46 people. YBTS continues to grow to serve and contribute its best to the welfare of the farmers we serve. YBTS organizational growth, capacity and capability in running the program was possible due to the full support of PT East West Seed Indonesia, as well as partners and donors. We are pleased to have new partners and donors in 2022, namely the Ganesha Foundation, as well as donors and partners who have continued to support us from the previous year, namely the William & Lily Foundation, MedcoEnergi and Kopernik.
YBTS management and all staff express special thank you to Mr. Glenn Pardede as Managing Director of PT East West Seed Indonesia for his support and guidance to the foundation; as well as to the new Board of Trustees of the Foundation Mr. Rutger Groot and Mr. Jaap Mazereeuw for the direction and approval of the YBTS programs and budget.
With gratitude, this report is dedicated to all the staff of the foundation, the board of foundations, partner organizations and donors, and all friends of YBTS.
Thank you and with our warm regards,
On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation
Edwin S. Saragih